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Council wants half of coastline closed to fishers to protect sea life

Council wants half of coastline closed to fishers to protect sea life

The proposed closures were sparked by a report by the Victorian government’s environmental assessments committee and a survey of local experts on the topic by NSW Environment Minister Greg Hunt.

At a meeting last year, members of the Victorian and Queensland fisheries committees also expressed concerns about the proposed closure of the Hump at Bay of Plenty reef.

A draft proposal for the proposed closure includes removing parts of the Hump at Bay of Plenty reef from the state’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and restoring the entire area as it was before the 1960s, with the exceptiojarvees.comn of the beachland and coral reefs.

The proposal als바카라사이트o recommends that the region needs to have its «natural and naturalised» environment improved by changing the way it is managed.

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The proposed closures are seen as a win for farmers and businesses in the region anjarvees.comd would lead to environmental and economic repercussions.

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